I'm restarting this blog because of Trish. I discovered her blog (http://blog.trishdeitch.com/) and it pulled the kind of punch I can only begin to verbalize. I met Trish only once at a Buddhist teaching. I sat in front of her and a few times almost fell back into her lap. We were packed tightly in this ballroom, sitting on the floor. I thought she probably hated me. It's not pleasant feeling squished, knees bent for hours. A constant negotiation, can you just move up a little please? Thank you. Now, a few years later, I'm falling into the blog lap. Why not? I have no idea where this will lead and hopefully my sharp tongue that likes to lascerate with text will restrain itself. Or maybe I should move beyond hope and fear?
It's late and I still have yet to go ponder impermanence but the fierce wind of distraction caught me here. Then there's iPhone Backgammon, a newish guilty pleasure. It's endless. Mind being the sewer of distraction.
Like Trish said in her debut entry, may this be of benefit. Thanks Trish.